Excerpt from The Thoughtful Proclaimer:

The most important thing that proclaimers of God’s Word can do is find God, the Commander’s intent for Scripture and let it transform their lives. Then they must make that intent clear and memorable to others showing them how to live transformed lives in light of God’s message to them and offering them motivation to live out God’s intent through the power of the Holy Spirit base on a grateful response to Christ’s sacrifice.

The Thoughtful Proclaimer Bible message preparation method is a step-by-step guide to interpreting, applying, and proclaiming God’s purposes for His Word. It is accessible to experienced as well as new proclaimers of Scripture. The method is a spiritually enriching as well as a thorough way of discovering the primary purpose of a passage for the objective of preaching and teaching. The method is called thoughtful because it explicitly focuses on scripture transforming the proclaimer while the proclaimer prepares trans formative messages for others.

Proclaimers may be lay preachers, Bible teachers, busy pastors, adult Sunday school teachers, missionaries, youth leaders or anyone else who is called to preach and teach God’s Word

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